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Conference agenda

The 2024 show featured experts from across the field presenting data-driven, evidence-based solutions, latest research, ingredient insights, innovations and formulation strategies.

Check out the 2024 agenda topics below.

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Conference Agenda Areas

Future Theatre:

With Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 underway, The Future Theatre will bring together regional players and government representatives to share the strategic vision of the country’s pharma sector and its prominence as a hub in the industry.

Innovation Theatre:

Innovation is a key aspect of pharma in the Middle East, and the Innovation Theatre will examine research, entrepreneurship, start-ups, sustainability and academia’s influence in driving innovation in the industry.

Next-Gen Bio Theatre:

With plenty of potential for biologics development across the Middle East, the Next-Gen Bio Theatre will feature talks exploring biotech development, global biopharma trends and the National Biotech Strategy.

Discovery Theatre:

Sessions held in the Discovery Theatre will take a deep dive into pharmaceutical product development by focusing on discovering the products, partnerships, solutions and insights needed to accelerate growth.

CPHI Middle East 2024
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