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CME Credits Explained

Staying ahead in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape is vital for any dedicated professional. That’s where Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits come in, helping you refine your skills, stay up to date with the current advancements and ultimately deliver exceptional patient care.


What are CME Credits?

CME Credits are awarded to healthcare professionals who participate in accredited educational activities. These activities help you maintain, develop, and advance your knowledge and skills in areas crucial for delivering high-quality patient care. By attending recognised events like CPHI you can earn valuable credits while staying current with best practices and enhancing your professional performance.

How to get CME Credits

To be awarded CME Credits, you must attend live conferences that are recognized and can provide certification of your awarded credits.

At our upcoming Riyadh event, CPHI Middle East 2024, we’re thrilled to offer over 10+ FREE CME hours. This is a great opportunity for you to gain valuable knowledge, expand your network and fulfill your CME requirements all in one.