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Don’t forget to bring your headphones!

This year, our theaters on the show floor will be ‘silent theaters’, bring your own headphones to listen to speaker audio through your mobile device.


Location: Conference Theater 2 | Date: May 8th 2024

11:30-12:00 (EST)
Biomanufacturing Trend Outlook

Bioproduction in the US pharmaceutical industry is crucial for delivering life-saving medications efficiently. Advancements in biotechnology and rising demand are driving rapid evolution in bioproduction. While state-of-the-art facilities and strict regulations define the sector, challenges in scalability, cost-effectiveness, and compliance persist, necessitating ongoing innovation and collaboration across academia, government, and industry for a sustainable ecosystem. 

Reviewing emerging technologies such as continuous bioprocessing and single-use systems and their role in transforming bio-production in the US?  

How can regulatory frameworks evolve to support biopharmaceutical innovation while maintaining patient safety and product quality under the FDA's emphasis on advancing regulatory science?

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